Diabetes Blood Sugar Information to
Understand Safe Blood Sugar Levels
Normal blood glucose levels vary very little from person to person. There is a set range within which your glucose levels should fall in, anything outside this and you could end up with some kind of problems. Glucose mainly is a kind of an energy source in the body. It is created whenever you consume any form of carbohydrates. The pancreas produces a hormone called insulin which ultimately helps in regulating the glucose in the blood.
The normal range should be anywhere between 70-150 mg/dl. Your sugar levels may vary within this range depending on your meals and the time of the day. When your sugar levels go beyond the 150mg/dl mark, you could end up with a condition called hyperglycemia or high blood sugar. On the other hand, if your levels are below 70 mg/dl, then you may be suffering from hypoglcemia. Sugar levels which fall very low could eventually prove to be fatal.
Normal Blood Glucose Levels - Advice and
The normal signs of hypoglycemia are fatigue, tiredness, nausea, personality problems, and in some severe cases even coma. High blood sugar on the other hand usually leads to the more common condition of diabetes. Diabetes if not kept under control, could cause nerve, eye and kidney damage. The best way to know your normal blood glucose levels is through a blood test. A test confirms your normal range and also helps you to determine if you could be suffering from any kind of the above problems.
There are numerous different tests that you could take. The fasting glucose level test is usually performed when check for diabetes, it is done after fasting fro 8 hours. The normal range for this test should be between 70-99 mg/dl. There is also another test called the postprandial blood sugar test, which is done 2 hours after eating a meal, and the normal range for this test should be between 70-145 mg/dl.
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A person could also do a random blood test for checking his sugar levels, here the normal range should be between 70-125 mg/dl. If the results fall outside this range frequently, then it could indicate a upcoming problem. Lastly there is one more test called the oral glucose tolerance test or OGTT. This test is performed after giving a glucose drink to the person.
This is normally done when a person, requires to get himself checked for diabetes. In the end it is very important that a person get his glucose levels checked often, as some of the sugar related disorders can strike without any prior warning. Also please consult your doctor or physician for the best advice and information on normal blood glucose levels and any symptoms you may be having.