How To Manage Diabetes And Control Blood Sugar Levels
Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus is the condition of high blood sugar in the body. It could be of two types. Type 1 is when the body fails to produce insulin and the insulin has to be injected into the body to make up for the insulin deficiency. The Type 2 Diabetes occurs when the cells fail to respond to the insulin produced in the body, and this has to be controlled by medication.
Gestational diabetes is another type that could occur in pregnant women but is resolved after childbirth. In all these cases, the food consumed by the person cannot produce energy for the body, as insulin secreted by the pancreas does not absorb the sugar produced by the food. This excess of sugar that is left unabsorbed can then cause harm to the eyes, heart and kidneys.
Diabetes can be detected when one finds ants in the washroom after one has passed urine. This is a symptom of sugar not being accepted by the body and being passed out in the urine. Diabetes could lead to problems like increased thirst, increased hunger, frequent urination, and sometimes blurred vision. Nausea or vomiting is common in the Type 1 Diabetes. It is therefore very important to control one’s weight and take the right diet and medication.
Failure to do this could result in long term problems like cardiovascular diseases and retinal failure, and even premature death. Obese people and those with a family history of diabetes are more likely to suffer from it. While a few cases of diabetes can be cured easily, most cases have to be managed with a dedicated and persistent change in lifestyle and careful medication.
The key to manage diabetes is eating at regular intervals instead of eating when one is hungry. Again, eating a balanced meal is important and care should be taken not to eat all proteins in one meal and all carbohydrates in another. Diabetic patients are educated to follow a lifestyle of regular exercises and careful diets. Smoking is strictly prohibited.
Starchy foods like breads and rice should be avoided. Junk food is a strict no-no and instead a diet rich in fiber is the right way to manage diabetes. Food with less fat and salt is recommended. A diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, beans, cheese and skimmed milk is ideal for a diabetic patient. Fish can be baked or grilled to reduce the intake of fat.
Weight control by regular exercises for about 40-50 minutes everyday is the solution to many diabetic cases. A brisk walk is a good exercise. Since a diabetic body lacks the important nutrients, these should be given by way of supplements like Vitamin B, C and E, which can benefit the heart, nerves and eyes.
Vitamin D is a great insulin booster. Blood glucose should be checked at regular intervals by oneself or by the doctor. Cuts and wounds should be regularly taken care of, as they heal slowly in a diabetic person and can prove disastrous if left unattended for long.